Conversation for Dummies

Want to be a better conversationalist, but unsure where to start? Affectionately called the “idiot prevention program,” this course is for anyone who thinks that social grace is something you’re born with. Let’s prove you wrong.


Take that foot out of your mouth.

We're not all born with the gift of gab. Your friends might not mind, but at work people will expect that you can communicate at least reasonably well. Don't feel hopeless. You may never be the life of the party, but you can learn to be more comfortable and confident when duty calls.

Course topics include:


Verbal and non-verbal skills that make you likeable, empathetic, and charismatic

Small Talk

Learn and practices way to make chit-chat less awkward


Working with teams is hard, but these tools make it easier

Interview Training

Make a good impression quickly and speak confidently when it counts

Communication for Dummies Course

This course includes:

  • 8 weekly, hour-long, one-on-one coaching session
  • Curriculum modification as necessary to meet your goals
  • Practice plan to help you feel your growth between sessions
  • Text and email support for the duration of the course (in case you need backup!)
  • Communication Cheat Sheet – written prompts, memory jogs, and strategies for your reference

8-week Course Tuition:


Ready to get started? Let’s chat and see if this program is right for you.

Have more questions? Send a message or call by phone.